
These hardy perennials are from North America and belong to the Daisy family, Compositae. E. purpurea, the Purple Coneflower, is an upright growing plant with dark green, lance-shaped leaves. It produces large, daisy-like cerise crimson flowers with a domed brown center. These are borne one to a stem during the summer. This plant grows up to 4 feet high and spreads about 20 inches or so. The flowers are great for cutting.

Pot Cultivation

These plants will flourish in any good garden soil and don't require any special treatment. Moist, fertile, humus-rich soil is the best, however. They should be grown in full sun. Planting should be done in the spring or autumn.


Purple Coneflowers may be increased by lifting and dividing them in the spring or by root cuttings at that same time. Seeds may also be sown in a cold frame in April to provide blooming plants the ensuing year.


E. purpurea & varieties The King and Taplow Crimson. 

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